Bout of Books 14 : Tuesday’s Progress

It is already Day 3 of Bout of Books!BoB14-200x200I think I have been in a reading slump the last few days. 😦 Gliding through Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo this past weekend has left me with an unsatisfying feeling to read.  I am currently trying to find a way to end this madness, but we will see what actually ends up happening today..

Here is my progress for Day 2 (Tuesday):

Continued -> Nil by Lynne Matson, pages 4-6IMG_0234

.. for a total of : 2 pages

I swear, when Bout of Books comes around my world becomes automatically full of things to do. Oh well.. time to try to get back on the horse.  I will say that today will be the last day of work for a week! Since I will be traveling ALOT I hope to be able to really get into many books.  *fingers crossed*

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I will see you all back tomorrow for another update. Happy Reading,


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