Teaser Reveal: Us After You by Claudia Burgoa


Us After You by Claudia Burgoa is an Adult Romance hitting shelves March 5th.

*Disclaimer: This book contains mature content and may not be suitable for younger readers*



UsAfterYou AMAZON“I’m an independent woman.
I’ve learned never to ask for help.
I’ve been on my own for years.

Until my sister leaves me to take care of my niece.

If only they had left her in my capable hands.
Instead, I share custody with him.
Infamous billionaire, Tucker Decker.

He likes his relationships casual and free of commitment. Family ties are at the bottom of his list.

He’s ruthless, impulsive, cold-hearted, and hot as sin.

But when it comes to his former bandmates, he’d do anything for them.

Tragedy demands sacrifice.

We’re forced to move-in together to care for my niece.

He has to learn that there’s more to life than money.

I need to learn how to trust…and how to love.

But when the ghosts of our past come back to haunt us, can we survive them and each other?”


Publishing: 5 March 2020

Publisher: Self-Published

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Pages: TBD

Teaser 1


CLaudia Burgoa“Claudia is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling author.

She writes alluring, thrilling stories about complicated women and the men who take their breath away.

She lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and her youngest two children. She has a sweet Bichon, Macey, who thinks she’s the ruler of the house. She’s only partially right.

When Claudia is not writing, you can find her reading, knitting, or just hanging out with
her family. At night, I like to binge-watch shows with his equal geek husband.”

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Interested in reading this book for yourself??


Click HERE to jump on over to Goodreads and preorder your copy today!

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This teaser reveal is organized by: Candy Kane PR!

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Until next time..

Happy Reading!


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