The Woman Outside My Door by Rachel Ryan

Book Review

The Woman Outside My Door by Rachel Ryan is a mystery, psychological thriller following a mother and her son’s new imaginary friend..?


All children have imaginary friends, Georgina tells herself. It’s perfectly normal, and they all grow out of it in the end. But when her seven-year-old son, Cody, tells her about New Granny, the new friend he’s met in the park, Georgina is instantly suspicious. Something—call it maternal instinct—tells her he isn’t making it up.

But maybe Georgina is losing her mind. It wouldn’t be the first time, after all. And with her own mother’s recent death leaving her bereft and trying to cope with life as a busy working mom, it’s no wonder she’s feeling paranoid that Cody has invented a “New Granny” to replace his beloved grandmother.

Her husband, Bren, becomes the voice of reason, assuring Georgina that it’s just a game, the product of their son’s overactive imagination. But what if Cody’s imaginary friend is not so imaginary after all?

My Thoughts

This book. Blew. Me. Away. 

Going into this one, I was NOT expecting the horror vibes that showed up as it’s nowhere near listed under the genre. But it sure did freak me out! 

In this one we follow the unreliable main character whose son is claiming to be followed by a mysterious woman claiming to be his new “Granny.” Creepy right?! And from there, we are swept into a psychological thriller that makes you want to read with all the lights on (which I learned the hard way..). I even had to force myself to stop reading so I could get some sleep before work. 

If you like spine-tingling, someone’s-watching-me vibes while also struggling through domestic drama, this book is highly recommended by me! A complete 5 out of 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.

More Book Info

Published: 5 January 2021

Publisher: Gallery Books

Genre: Adult Mystery / Thriller

Pages: 288

How I Read It: NetGalley ARC

*Disclaimer: I requested a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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