A Princess by Christmas (Royal Wedding #3) by Julia London

Book Review

A Princess by Christmas by Julia London is the third in a historical romance series out now!


“She’s discovered his secret.

Now the trouble really begins…

After three years of mourning—and turning her dear deceased husband’s gazette into the ton’s sauciest source of fashion and gossip—Hollis Honeycutt feels her life has been strangely bereft of late… Her sister is living abroad, and her best friend moved to the country. What must a young widow of rank and reputation do? Why, transform her society gossip sheets into serious investigative news, starting with a rumored coup…and the rather dashing, mysterious gentleman whom Hollis suspects might be the villain of her first real story, and she is the only one who can write it.

Marek Brendan is investigating terrible rumors of treachery and treason that threaten his home country of Wesloria, but he must proceed with caution. No one can discover the truth. After all, who would ever believe he is Wesloria’s lost crown prince? Only Hollis Honeycutt’s cerulean-blue eyes seem to know more than she’s letting on—and worse, Marek can’t seem to resist her curious charms. But even as betrayal threatens a nation and a throne, nothing is quite so dangerous as the lovely young widow who’s determined to find the truth…and a prince of her own.”

My Thoughts

If you enjoy light, holiday historicals with mysterious characters and scandalous gossip this series is for you. Please note, this books is the third in a series, and I feel I could have gotten more enjoyment from first reading the beginning as the character is known to progress quite a bit throughout..

Overall, the romance between the two had just the right amount of subtle festive vibes with the main focus more on the actual character’s development which was fun, entertaining, and secretive. I gave this one a 4 out of 5 stars.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

More Book Info

Published: 29 September 2020

Publisher: Harlequin Books

Genre: Adult Historical Romance, Holiday

Pages: 384

How I Read It: NetGalley ARC

*Disclaimer: I requested a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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