How to Fool a Duke (The Husband Dilemma #1) by Mary Lancaster & Violetta Rand

Book Review

How to Fool a Duke by Mary Lancaster & Violetta Rand is an Adult Historical Second Chance, Romance out now!


“Young women in need of second chances find sympathy and assistance with the enigmatic Lady Whitmore in her seaside castle and village. The ultimate goal: to find husbands for these rejected ladies of the ton. Yet, not every young woman is motivated by the same emotions, for some of these ladies possess rakish hearts that can only be tamed by true love.

Her voice is pure, her motives wicked.

Lady Sarah Merrington will never forget being spurned by the duke she was supposed to marry. After all, that is the very reason she finds herself as a personal guest to the enigmatic Lady Whitmore in her village on the coast, a place of sanctuary where a lady might learn new accomplishments and, perhaps, the necessary skills to charm the elites of society. And Sarah is determined to reinvent herself so she can seek satisfaction, if not a bit of feminine revenge against the Duke of Vexen.

Leonard Blackmore, the Duke of Vexen, is invited to host a charitable event in a place he’s never heard of before and by a lady he’s never met. Pleased by the opportunity, he accepts the invitation only to find his gracious hostess, Lady Whitmore, is not only a fellow patron to the arts but provides second chances to young ladies who simply need a helping hand. Unexpectedly, the duke meets a beautiful woman who sings like an angel. He swears he’s seen her before but can’t quite remember where or when. It doesn’t matter, for she’s captured his deep interest, and he always gets what he wants.

Sarah can’t believe her duke has arrived, giving her the chance to fulfill her dream for revenge. But the more she’s around him, the more she admires and likes him. And it’s only a matter of time before he realizes who she is.

Will Sarah take advantage of the perfect opportunity to fool her duke, or will she forgive and forget in order to give love a second chance?”

My Thoughts

For this one, I just wasn’t a fan of the characters. I found them to be a bit boring in their chemistry with one another, and the plot felt a stagnant and just ‘meh.’ I would have liked to have seen more of a banter-filled or angsty dynamic between them, but instead it felt like they were constantly missing one another’s flair. 

In the end, I gave this one a 2 out of 5 stars

Rating: 2 out of 5.

More Book Info

Published: 3 December 2020

Publisher: Dragonblade Publishing

Genre: Adult Historical Romance, Second Chance

Pages: 225

How I Read It: NetGalley ARC

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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